


Leverage Shares PLC

Forma Legal

Compañía de gestión de inversiones


2 Grand Canal Square,

Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin,

Ireland D02 A342, IE


+1 (203) 883-9646

Correo electrónico


Junta Ejecutiva

José Carlos Gonzalez
Dobromir Kamburov
Tracy Gilvarry

Para todas las preguntas relacionadas con la prensa, póngase en contacto con

Oktay Kavrak
John Carter

Dispute statement

Leverage Shares PLC participates in the dispute resolution scheme run by the consumer arbitration body “The German Private Banks’ Ombudsman” (www.bankenombudsmann.de).

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Q2 2024 Market Outlook: Rocky Road Ahead

What is an ETF? (Exchange Traded Fund)

How Do Leverage Shares ETPs Trade in Multiple Currencies

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Leverage Shares: Europe’s top leveraged and inverse ETP provider.
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